Chris has over 25 years of managerial, sales, and service experience working in Pasco, Hernando and Hillsborough Counties. He holds multiple professional business licenses and has been a Realtor with Florida Tropics Realty since 2007. He is a 100% full time, dedicated, local expert with nearly 15 years in real estate, and over 10 years of experience in the home and property insurance industry.
As a 33-year resident, he has an extensive knowledge of our area, the Florida real estate industry, and a solid reputation for honesty, integrity and fairness.
He is the proud father of three beautiful children – two daughters and a son. He is also very familiar with the home-building process, having recently closed on his new home in December of 2021.
Chris can be reached by phone 352 428 0191 or email – chrisdipalo1@gmail.com